This Unit, which consist of Three Sections viz: Capentary, Bricklaying, Painting, and Decorating performs the following major functions:
Maintenance of Building: Repairs could cover any aspect of building works, the execution still follow the usual pattern of attending to request sent in by officers of the university through their Heads of Department, which could be for repair work in the offices, Halls of Residence, School buildings, Laboratories, Workshops and Residential quarters.
Works are executed in compliance with all laid down rules and regulations and in line with university financial policy.
Checking Staff into and out of the Residential Quarters
As member of University Housing Allocation Committee, staff that are allocated quarter are checked into the quarters by ensuring all facilities in the quarters are in good tenantable conditions at the end of their stay, a repeated process, check-out is carried out to make sure the flat are also in good condition and if otherwise, the staff may be surcharged but a clearance is issued at the end of check-out exercise.
Execution of Minor Works
Minor works could be on Contract or on Direct Labour. Jobs could be modification to existing building, renovation works, perimeter fencing works. e.t.c. Approval for execution of such project are normally granted by the Vice-Chancellor.